Sunday, July 17, 2016

Phone Reminder

Abstract - The world is getting smaller each day and interactions with people across globe are increasing so does the mobile and to do list usage. This idea combines the two. We always come across some thought which might be worth discussing with someone across the globe. But due to time difference somehow miss discussing with that person next day. This idea lets you add the note against that person on your phone connected to cloud and whenever you connect to that person through cloud enabled device will flash on your screen to remind you of that important discussion.

How it works? It's very simple. You just create a note on your cloud enabled device, be it phone or iPad or laptop. Just create a note and tag is with the person with whom you want to discuss it about. And that's all you need to do. Next time whenever you will talk to that person the note comes flashing on your screen, be it your phone or iPad when you make a call or on your laptop when you make a voip call. And you will never forget that you wanted to discuss something important with that person. You will always have a dismiss button associated with all the notes and the note will keep flashing till the time you click on dismiss to stop showing the note next time call the same person. That's when it becomes just a log in your phone but still note won't go away. So you can still retrieve the note with search against that person just that it won't appear again when you make a call unless you edit it again and make it available.

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